Tim Brown, September Mover of the Month
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The most rewarding and awe-inspiring part of being a teacher of the GYROTONIC® Method is to witness the TRANSFORMATIONS .

Students often arrive at The Seed Center dealing with chronic pain, injuries or simply wanting to feel young in their body again.

These transformations are not only therapeutic but can also be life-altering. Some students become so inspired and thirsty for more knowledge they embark on the Teacher Training program.

Many times they need encouragement. They say "I'm not a dancer, why would I do this?" or "How can I be a movement teacher, I was a businessman." Some say they're only going to take the first course, and then a year later we get teary seeing them complete the entire program and pass their final certification.

We assure them every step of the way: their voice is important, their story is important and their unique perspective can help others just like them find relief and joy in their bodies again.

Tim Brown is one of these people.

Early on in the quarantine when Tim began popping into our ONLINE classes, none of us had met him before so we were overjoyed and inspired to learn more about this man from Florida.

He was first drawn to the method 10 years ago after he was diagnosed with 5 herniated cervical discs. GYROTONIC® brought him almost immediate relief from the pain associated with his cervical spine but he also noticed early on that his entire body started to feel more flexible, stronger and more agile.

Four years ago, at the age of 64, he retired from Sysco Corporation and now today his passion is GYROTONIC®. He has completed the Foundation Course and is currently an apprentice trainer.

The silver lining of this pandemic for us is getting to meet movers from all over the world and Tim says "finding The Seed Center has been his silver lining."

Tim is incredibly dedicated and positive; he knows how vital his movement practice is so he takes "3 different GYROKINESIS® classes a week and usually from 2 or 3 different instructors from The Seed Center and finds them all to be beneficial, enjoyable and fun."

People like Tim encourage us and remind us why we teach— to guide and witness these TRANSFORMATIONS .

Christine Sherry, August Mover of the Month

Our Seed Center Community is an incredible support system and one of the most powerful healing influences of our studio. Our students and teachers inspire one another, support one another and work together towards a common goal of health, balance and resilience.

Though we miss our daily interactions and the buzz of activity in the studio, our ONLINE studio has allowed our community to expand, thrive and keep BUZZING.

Christine Sherry is one of those vibrant people helping our community blossom. She is an original client of the studio but we hadn't seen her in some time because she was finding it increasingly difficult to commute to the city from the South Bay for classes.

Now we see her MULTIPLE times a week because she can "take classes in [her] bedroom any time from world class teachers."

She runs a bustling philanthropic advisory practice so the convenience of our ONLINE studio allows her to easily make time for classes, which she says is crucial in keeping her "grounded, relaxed and refreshed all at once, and helps to balance out life at the desk."

After three caesarians and multiple surgeries over the years, GYROKINESIS® has helped her find "strength in [her] core and a whole new way to move which is both safe and deeply invigorating...It combines the joy of movement with really smart body awareness and an appreciation of the power of breath, stretching and engaging the entire body."

Christine has been in our ONLINE classes since day one and has shared her love of the work with her friends and family. It is a regular occurrence to be in class with Christine, while her childhood friend Nancy joins in from Santa Barbara and her middle daughter joins us from Oakland. She's also inspired being in a 'classroom' with the world class dancers 🏽from San Francisco Ballet and around the country.

She has shown us the importance of community —giving us a chance to connect with one another and support each other at a time when we NEED IT THE MOST!

Ann Charlotte, July's Mover of the Month

Shortly after launching our ONLINE studio, we began to notice Ann-Charlotte popping into our classes daily, sometimes even twice a day. She would appear in class from the most beautiful studio while we were showing exercises next to our couches—our curiosity was piqued to say the least.

We were even further astonished to find out she was joining us daily from Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France!

In the past two months, we've gotten to know this lovely woman's remarkable story and we nominated her to be The Seed Center's Mover of the Month!

Ann-Charlotte first discovered the GYROTONIC® Method 15 years ago after a devastating injury ended her ballet career. She was in a wheelchair after sustaining 7 fractures in her pelvis and thought she would never walk again.

However, after 2 years of daily GYROTONIC® lessons not only was she able to walk again but she embarked on a new career as a contemporary dancer. She now owns a dance studio and runs a pre-professional dance program, hence the beautiful studio she joins us from for classes.

Over the past ten years, Ann-Charlotte found she wasn't taking time for herself anymore. Her priorities had shifted to taking care of her students and her business and her GYROTONIC® practice had fallen by the wayside.

As a result, she noticed her old pains were creeping back in—teaching ballet and even walking was becoming painful and challenging.

But after just 2 months of ONLINE classes at The Seed Center she feels 10 years youngerThere's no pain anymore! She even joined our Saturday Ballet Barre & Body Class and took her first ballet barre since 2005!

It has been incredibly inspiring for us to meet a student whose life has been so transformed by the GYROTONIC® Method and as a result is so committed to showing up daily.

The method "works like magic on my body and my mind!" Her life has been so transformed that she is now going through the GYROTONIC® Teacher Training in France!

"The Seed Center's Team has been so supportive with me, even from the other side of the globe. So I'm really enjoying working with them every week, from home!" -Ann-Charlotte

We miss our studio and were skeptical about the ONLINE format but we've met so many incredible people. The focus, dedication and enthusiasm of our students has always been what set our studio apart. Our students aspire for integrity and authenticity in their holistic movement practice—it is no different in our ONLINE studio. It is a joy to see our community blossom and thrive.