✨"We have two young grandchildren, and it is important to do GYROTONIC® to stay strong and in shape for them!" ✨

When we first launched our ONLINE studio, Jennifer Stahl-Weitz, a close friend and client of The Seed Center referred her mother-in-law who lives in Seattle, Kellye Campbell. It always brings us great excitement to be the gateway into this phenomenal healing method but little did we know Kellye would become one of our most dedicated students. 

Kellye is in our livestream classes multiple times a week. Her day job is practicing psychiatry and she finds that doing bodywork relieves the stress of that.

She loves practicing yoga, walking, and hiking. Although she was practicing yoga, she still had some strength and postural issues.

She says, "The Seed Center classes have been an excellent complement to what I was lacking in yoga. I always have some anxiety, and it is imperative for me to do body and breathwork to stay grounded."

While some people really resist the ONLINE classes, Kellye finds herself "...accessing fitness classes much more frequently due to the excellent, accessible daily schedule available from the Seed Center. I also love that it is possible to get the classes available on a delayed basis to fit into my schedule."

She was an avid fan of our Ankle-Weight Workout but has embraced its replacement Big Ball Workout even more, and also benefits from Psoas & Hips and the monthly Rejuvenation classes.

Thank you, Kellye for being a beloved member of our community! Your dedication inspires us to keep learning and growing together so we can make the most of these challenging times!

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